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"I'd like to share with whomever may read this how I began using My Fit Life's Healthy Blend 25 mg capsules.

In April 2019, I had come to a point where I had to decide whether to take time off from work to schedule a hip replacement that I had been told I would eventually need, having had one side replaced in 2011. Problem was, it was in the beginning of a major project, and we weren't fully staffed. I was working between 14 and 16 hrs a day for about three weeks, and the pain was becoming unbearable.

Near the end of the first week, my brother mentioned how he had been taking one of the 25 mg capsules of CBD from Modiva and applying the rolling relief once daily, and that he was no longer experiencing the pain he had been having in one knee that became even worst after having knee surgery to the point it prevented him from doing any walking or biking exercises, but now he was back to doing both.

After reminding me of his relief, I was desperate enough to try it, even though I hadn't given much thought about all the hype over CBD. If this hadn't helped, I would have went out on medical leave to get the hip surgery.

To my surprise, I started to feel the pain subsiding within about three days taking one 25 mg a day, but not as much as I had hoped. After about a week I went up to one in the morning and one at night, and that did the trick!

I even tried another brand of 35 mg capsules, for about a month, and came to realize all CBD is not created equal.

It's been about 3 years and I'm still no hip replacement.
About two years ago I started taking the 50 mg of the Essential Blend Full Spectrum capsules, and as one would expect, I've noticed even more of a difference.

From my overall experience, My Fit Life has been a life-line for my mobility. "


James Brooks
Corona, CA

Elena Vasquez
April 3, 2018

Hello Al,

My name is Elena Vasquez. I'm not sure if you remember talking with me several months back, but I'm the woman that was telling you about my recent diagnosis to Epilepsy and how my husband cousin Rio referred us to you. I had to reach out to you to give you my testimony.

When I was initially diagnosed on November 14, 2017 with epilepsy, I felt as if my world had just crashed. My provider had prescribed me Kepra. I started at 250 mg every 12 hours. Every time I had a seizure, they up' d my dosage. Along with that came the side effects. I could not speak, I was sort of in a slow mode, zombie stage. When I would try to speak, I stuttered really bad.

This was not me what so ever! I was becoming severely depressed & would have crying spells. I even told my husband I didn't want to live anymore. I would stay up all hours of the night, cleaning my house, sweeping, mopping, doing laundry, at 3-4 AM! I've never been a person to do drugs, so you can understand why I'm explaining all this, so that you can understand. When I went back to my doctor & neurologist, they would up my prescription, advised they were going to prescribe me Xanax for the anxiety and Ambient to help me sleep. It was then my husband spoke up & said to me "Let's Go! This is Bullshit!".

When I reached out to you I was very skeptical of the whole overall of CBD. I had heard how people are selling diluted CBD oil with vegetable oil & how it had no effect on some people. I was so down and was trying to be optimistic for my family, but it was extremely hard to put up that front to my husband & sons.

At this point I was like "Ok, let' try this. What do I have to lose...". When I finally received my package (by the way, I hope you're feeling better from your fall), I started the oils & capsules. I juggled around at first with just taking the capsules, then capsules & oils, well now I'm down to 5 drops in the morning & 5 drops before I go to bed of CBD oil.

I'm also completely off my seizure medication of Kepra. My quality of life is back! I'm back at work (since March 1st). I'm more chill & relaxed but I have not had a seizure since I started your CBD oil. I did advise my neurologist that I'm on CBD oil, but haven't told him yet that I'm completely off my medication. My husband & I agreed to give it about 6 months.

Al, you have no idea how you have changed my Life! You have given me my life back! My husband his wife back & my son's, there mother back! I have never been one to do drugs & I struggle to take medications, but I was doing as I was told by my doctors & it was making me worse! So bad to the point I contemplated suicide.

I have told so many people of your web site. They look at me as if I'm trying to promote the stuff, but when I explain to them all that I have gone through, then you can see the looks of desperation, just as how I was when I made that call to you.

I needed to reach out to tell you my story. You have no idea how you have made such a significant difference in my Life. Thank You! Thank you for listening to me that day on the phone & for your promptness on sending me my product. I hope & pray that this oil gets approved soon so that providers may prescribe it to patients & they will see the significant difference on how CBD oil changes one’s life.

Once again "THANK YOU"!

Elena Aguayo-Vasquez